Porcelain Veneers

Say Hello to your gorgeous smile with porcelain veneers

Porcelain Veneers are a great way to change the shape, color and size of the tooth. It is a thin layer of porcelain that goes over your tooth and wraps around it masking the underlying tooth structure. It can correct gaps between the teeth, chips, cracks, stained and minor misalignment of teeth.

veneer diagram

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Covers cracks/irregular shaped teeth:
No matter what your existing shape of your teeth are, veneers are custom made in the lab to get the result that you want and looks best on you.
Very esthetic
Veneers look and feel very natural also, they do not stain or discolor over time. They stay the same shade as the day you picked the color making it an ideal choice if you are tired of whitening your teeth.
woman smiling in black and white
hat wearing woman smiling
Long Lasting
Veneers if well maintained can last for many years. The average life of a veneer is 10 year but with good maintenance, it can last even longer.
Instantaneous Results
Once the doctor gets the teeth ready for veneers, temporary veneers are placed until the lab works on your porcelain veneers. The temporary veneers are made beautifully giving you instantaneous results and a reason to smile bigger.


No, Porcelain veneer or crowns cannot be whitened. So it’s important for you and your dental team to choose the right shade in the beginning. They stay that same color for their lifetime.


Yes, veneers feel and look very natural.


It is rare for a veneer to fall out on its own. They can be if you grind your teeth or bite on something hard, or if the adhesive has been compromised.


Brush and floss your veneer as you normally would.

Avoid biting directly into an apple or a hard granola bar with your front teeth.

Avoid hard chewy candy.

Wear a sports guard if you play sports and wear a night guard if you grind your teeth at night.